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We consider our role in Safeguarding to be critical to ensure the safety of all members of the school community.  Find out about our Safeguarding Policy below and all of the guidance documents that guide our Safeguarding practice to  ensure our school family feels safe and secure with us. 

DSL- Nicky Murrell

DDSL- Trudy Shellard

DDSL- Tom Ball

DDSL- Jackie Warner

Should none of these be available, please refer to a Senior Member of Staff for advice

As part of Holywell School’s commitment to safeguarding and child protection, we fully support the government's Prevent Strategy, and take guidance and take guidance from Teaching Approaches to help build resilience to extremism.  The Prevent strategy is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.


We recognise that the use of new technologies presents particular challenges and risks to children both inside and outside of school.

Holywell Primary School will ensure a comprehensive curriculum response to enable all pupils/students to learn about and manage the associated risks effectively and will support parents and the school community (including all members of staff) to become aware and alert to the needs of keeping children safe online.


  • Parentzone
    Working towards a safer digital world

Please click on any of the links below to find information on how to keep your children safe whilst online. The information relates to all aspects of keeping safe including computers, mobile phones, iPads and anything relating to cyberspace. The school online safety policy can be found in the 'policies' section of our website. Online safety is part of safeguarding and concerns about online safety of pupils, in or out of school, will be passed on to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads using our normal safeguarding procedures.